Text messages, Facebook conversations, and phone calls started rolling Dr. Michael Bechill’s way in early March. Family, friends, and colleagues wanted his view on the coronavirus, which was spreading to the United States.
By last week, as COVID-19 expanded rapidly, Bechill received as many as 50 messages a day. So, he decided to find a way to share answers with as many people as possible.
Bechill, a University of Saint Francis associate professor of biology, has a Ph.D. in Medical Microbiology and Immunology and specializes in host-pathogen interaction and airborne infectious diseases. He’s a great source for insight. Not only does he have a wealth of expertise, but he also has connections to experts around the country. Rather than answer every inquiry – many of which were similar – Bechill created a “Just the Facts Podcast,” a video podcast dealing exclusively with COVID-19.
His first “Just the Facts Podcast” episode was posted Friday, March 27 and well received. He intends to share new episodes regularly.
Those interested can find “Just the Facts Podcast” on YouTube at https://youtu.be/I35MdSVhfSU. People can also access it through his Facebook page.
UPDATES: April 3 Podcast, April 6 Podcast, April 10 Podcast, April 13 Podcast, April 17 Podcast, April 22 Podcast
“I made a Facebook post saying I was thinking about doing this and what do you think, and I had over 100 responses,” he said. “Clearly, there’s an interest there. I posted it Friday and in less than 24 hours, it had 1,200 views on Facebook and YouTube. I’d like to continue doing it because I’ve had nothing but positive support.”
Bechill plans to include guest specialists on each episode, with an emphasis on outlining the local impact of COVID-19. Students in his current high-level virology course are working with him to compile and share the most up-to-date information. The collaboration exemplifies the work being done by USF professors and students.
“The virology students are working to help educate Fort Wayne, and that’s a great example of the synergy between USF students and the community,” Bechill said. “If people have any questions, they can feel free to contact me or post comments on Facebook and YouTube. I’m still answering private messages and I’m here to help. I want people to have accurate information and I want to make that information easily accessible.”
Bechill says he expects more questions to arise as COVID-19 spreads further.
“The next two weeks are going to get rough,” Bechill said. “Support each other, stay safe, stay home. With pandemics like the coronavirus, everything’s OK until it’s not. Social distancing has been a major change for many, however our local outbreak has not peaked so please remain sheltered in place. Stay safe. Stay at home.”