Campus Chapel at sunset

Assisi Program for Discipleship & Leadership

Become Who You are Called to Be

The Assisi Program for Discipleship and Leadership is a four-year formation program for undergraduate students. Through mentorship, community, academic study and co-curricular activity, this program will prepare students to live their Catholic faith authentically and joyfully, whatever their major or future career may be. A select cohort of students will be chosen each year to participate in the program. Through their personal transformation, they will become transformative leaders during and after their time at USF, witnessing to Christ in every part of their life.

Change the World

The world needs young people who are ready to live their faith in today’s world and are excited to share that faith with others. The world needs you. Receive the support you need to live the life God is calling you to and to transform the world for good.

“Dear young people, let yourselves be taken over by the light of Christ, and spread that light wherever you are.” -Pope St. John Paul II

The Assisi Experience

All students in the Assisi Program will complete a Catholic Leadership minor, and participate in a variety of deeply meaningful and spiritual experiences:

  • Annual Retreats
  • Active Sacramental Life
  • Community Housing in Residence Halls
  • Regular Program Gatherings
  • Spiritual Accompaniment
  • Leadership Workshops
  • Group Service Projects
  • Connections with Catholic Professionals
  • USF Student Leadership Roles


Admissions decisions are made in view of the whole picture provided through the application process. Ten first-year students will be selected for the Assisi Program each year. Students selected for the Assisi Program will be awarded a yearly scholarship to cover half the cost of Room and Board, which can be combined with other sources of financial aid.

Application Requirements:

  • High School Transcripts (Typically 3.25 GPA or greater)
  • Two References
  • Personal Narrative Essay
  • Interview

The priority deadline to apply to the Assisi Program for Fall 2025 is January 6, 2025.

In this section
  • Assisi Program for Discipleship & Leadership


Contact the Assisi Team:

Director of Mission Programming
Megan Quigley

The Assisi Program is generously sponsored by the Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration, OSV Institute for Catholic Innovation, and the Mary Cross Tippmann Foundation.