Saint Francis Mentorship
Saint Francis Mentorship
The Career Development Center and the Alumni Office joined forces to create dynamic mentoring opportunities. Students and alumni connect through our LinkedIn Group to build a mutually beneficial and lasting relationship.
Why Participate in Mentoring?
Saint Francis alumni work and lead in a variety of careers. They are also generous and eager to share their expertise and offer guidance. Your alumni mentor will be a source of strength throughout college and beyond!
Here are a few of the benefits you can expect:
- Increase confidence
- Expanded professional network
- Enhanced decision-making skills
- Empowerment
Connect with an Alumni mentor today through our University of Saint Francis Mentoring Group.

By mentoring, you will provide invaluable insight and guidance to today’s students while also strengthening the university’s mission and impact.
Connect with a student mentee today through our University of Saint Francis Mentoring Group on LinkedIn.
Contact Us
Academic and Career Development Center
Pope John Paul II Center
Suite 210
Phone: 260-399-8065
Email: acdc@sf.edu
Monday – Friday:
8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
After-hour appointments are available upon request