Saint Francis AP Course Equivalencies

Get a Head Start at Saint Francis.

It’s important for students to check with the Registrar’s Office if they are interested in AP course equivalencies. Students should also remember that courses and policies are regularly reviewed and updated and, therefore, subject to change.

In this section
  • Saint Francis AP Course Equivalencies
Exam TitleMIN ScoreEquivalencyCredit HoursAwarded Comments
Art History5Art Elective3
Biology3BIOL 121 & 1226
Calculus AB 3MATH 2234
Calculus BC 3MATH 223 & 2248
Chemistry 33CHEM 141 & 1428
Computer Science A 3CSCI 105 3
Computer Science
3 CSCI 1053
Economics-Macro 3ECON 2073
Economics-Micro 3ECON 2083
English Language &
4ENGL 1013Score of 3 = 3 elective
hours only
English Literature &
4ENGL 2063Score of 3 = 3 elective
hours only
3ENVS 2323
European History 3HIST GE & HIST EL 3 + 3
French Language3FREN 131 & 132 6
German Language 3GERM 141 & 1426
Human Geography 3SCIE Elective3
Music Theory 4MUSIC Elective3
Physics 13SCIE 2574
Physics 2 3SCIE 2584
Physics C: Electricity
& Magnetism
3SCIE 2584
Physics C:
3SCIE 2574
Psychology 3PSYC 1213
Spanish Language &
3SPAN 171 & 1726
Statistics 3MATH 3023St. Elizabeth campus:
NUR 342
Studio Art:
2D Design
4ART Elective3
Studio Art:
3D Design
4ART Elective3
Studio Art: Drawing 4ART Elective3
U.S. Government
& Politics
3POLI 1023
U.S. History3HIST 105 & 1066
World History 3HIST 101 & 102 6