The Saint Francis Animation program earned national recognition recently when recent graduates earned a pair of awards at the 45th annual Telly Awards. The Tellys are one of the premier awards in the animation industry.
Students who developed the animated short, “The Fox’s Wedding,” earned a Gold Telly in the General Student category, judged by industry professionals, and a Silver Telly in the People’s Telly category, voted on by the general public.
“This is a huge accomplishment for our students and the Animation program,” said Communication, Animation and Technology Division Director Jake Nolt.
The Animation alumni who won the awards were Carmina Arribasplata (’24), Genna Davis (’24), Jennifer Haggis (’24), Eindra Maung (’23) and Callie Swangin (’24). Music Technology alumnus Calder Kagel (’23) handled the music for the film.